27 years old, student in astronomy at
Aarhus university. Senne is the most racing orientated of us all, with participation both in EM & VM championships in different boat/dinghy types. If it was up to Senne, well be racing around the world. Senne and Dennis knows each other from when they were scouts in Esbjerg and they also raced as a team in the Wayfarer dinghy in their earlier years in Esbjerg. Senne and Dennis went for at long voyage together on S/Y SOL in 1995 - and when time permits they still race together. Senne lives on sailing when the weather is fine he cant think on anything else than sailing which can be a problem when you are supposed to study. Hes a quick thinking guy and acts often accordingly. This is positive in many situations, but not always e.g. when the roof on the boat is just painted and Senne gets the idea that the front window needs to be replaced he begins immediately to drill/screw the windows out. This results in lots of aluminium chips out on the new painted roof!! |