Dream has sailed a total of 37418 Nm. or 69298 km equivalent to 1.7 times round the earth.
Of the 3 years in total Dream has been at sea for 330 days.
The everage speed has been 113 Nm pr day/night. This is very good for an old lady like Dream.
The maximum speed under sails logged near Gibraltar is 13.4 Knots.
The maximum speed for rig only logged during a cyclone north of New Zealand is 14.2 Knots.The max. Northerly pos. 57.45 N (Scotland).
The max. Southerly pos. 37.10 N (New Zealand).During the 3 years there has been a total of 38 crew members. A crew member had to pay an average of 300 USD pr. month.
Dennis and Rene are the only ones who made it all the way and they have each spent 14.600 USD for the 3 years voyage.
A total of 5.300 USD per year has covered the expences for repairs.