Links UK

Other circumnavigators

The book "4 years with Sorgenfri" that has been a major inspiration for our journey.
Weather links The weather situation in the area where Dream is situated right now.
Handy shortcut for satelitepictures
Storm, Cyclone and Typhone warning

North Atlantic and neighbourhood with pressurediagram and windindicators (from the GOES8-satelite)

Waveprognosis from the US Navy

Danish Institute of Meteorology
Meteorological Offices around the globe that has an official website
  A very comprehensive site for the weather around New Zealand
A very good site for the weathersituation around South Africa
Pressureprognosis from  European Weatherforecast Center

Very comprehensive list on "weather-sites"

Pictures from the French "Meteosat"

"Weather-words" description
Safety equipment

Beacon (EPIRBs) links


Here you can check what time it is where S/Y Dream is situated right now

Have a look at our beautyfull planet from above on this exiting website
Navigation The Viking Sun Compass
Program for displaying predicted tides for about 9,800 locations around the world
Windscale table with both Danish and English expressions
Web-Cam Live Web-camera situated at the mouth of the Panama Canal on the Pacific side.
Glossary Maritime Glossary Danish-English-German-Frensch-Italian-Spanish



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